25 Little Living Lessons – 2

Little Living Lessons -2

Every day, we all go through several little events in our daily lives. Some of these events get registered as learnings in our minds, however, we predominantly perceive the real world through events or experiences.


Many of such events and experiences might leave a rather profound influence on us in shaping and structuring our personality. 


With so much going around, not just in our country, but throughout the world life is not normal. 


Well, it has been a few months since lockdown now, and we still do not know how many more months it might take for things to get back to normal.

In the past few days, the news channels have been showcasing the impact of COVID 19 lockdown and how it has physically crippled and mentally affected the lives of children, the future generations of our planet.



Our children have certainly missed out on school and regular outings. The schools, teachers, and parents have tried their best to ensure they have not missed their academic lessons. They have all ensured the children are safe. They have all taken up measures to ensure that kids at home are entertained and kept busy at the same time. So, the question arises whether by not going out have the children really missed anything at all?

Well, the answer is YES!!


They have missed out on some very important chunk of learning – missed out on the very vital ‘little living lessons ‘

  • Interactions: For children, it could be their family, teacher, friends, and many other acquaintances, and general people As for the older generations , they would pick up their leanings through their daily dealings with friends, relative, colleagues, acquaintance


  • Observing: the world around us, the digital media


  • Reading: is a very good way where most of us not only acquire knowledge but also some worldly wisdom


  • Listening: to radios and podcasts

The lockdown has impacted our interactions with the outside world, and even after the lockdown, the impact of COVID 19 would remain, where these interactions are not going to be the same.

Alas! The time lost cannot go back !! However, there are several little living lessons that can be imparted to a child and more importantly remind ourselves of these little living lessons.


I am sure most of us have been through tough situations and circumstances this year with the COVID 19 catastrophe seeping into our lives.


Hence, this platform was created to give people their little living lessons. This website is our little endeavor to uplift your spirits and nurture your mind with thoughts to get you back on track!!



Building on this thought, our team at ‘Little Living Things’ wishes you all the very best for making a fresh start and for turning over a new chapter in your lives!!!

25 Little Living Lessons - 2

Don’t judge what you don’t understand

Don't Judge

Never miss an opportunity to have someone rub you back

Never miss an opportunity to have someone rub your back

Have a professional photo of yourself made. Update it every three years

Have a professional photo of yourself made. Update it every three years

When you know someone has gone to a lot of trouble to get really dressed up, always tell them “ You look terrific !!

When you know someone has gone to a lot of trouble to get really dressed up, always tell them “ You look terrific !! ”

Drive as you wish your kids would. Never speed or drive recklessly with children in the car

Drive as you wish your kids would. Never speed or drive recklessly with children in the car

Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, love somethings, and has lost something

Little Living Lessons -2

Never claim a victory   prematurely

Little Living Lessons -2

Never let out the ending of  good movies and books

Little Living Lessons -2

When you lose, don’t lose the lesson

Little Living Lessons -2

Don’t overlook life’s small joys while searching for the big ones

Little Living Lessons -2

Always keep a well-stocked first-aid kit in your car and at home

Little Living Lessons -2

Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship

Little Living Lesson -2

Don’t be surprised to discover that luck favors those who are prepared

Little Living Lessons -2

Remember that the person who steals an egg will steal a chicken

Little Living Lessons -2

Don’t buy someone else’s trouble

Little Living Lessons -2

Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully

Little Living Lessons -2

When you have the choice of two exciting things, choose the one you haven’t tried

Little Living Lessons -2

Remember that no time spent with  your children is ever wasted

Little Living Lessons -2

There are people who will always come up with reasons why you can’t do what you want to do. Ignore them !!

Little Living Lessons -2

You may be fortunate and make a lot of money. But be sure your work involves something that enriches your spirit as well as your bank account

Little Living Lessons -2

Write a short note inside the front cover when giving a book as a gift

Little Living Lessons -2

When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it

Little Living Lessons -2

Smile ;)) when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice

Little LIving Lessons -2

Ask yourself if you would feel comfortable giving your two best friends a key to your house. If not look for some new best friends

Little Living Lessons -2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Little Living Lessons -2

Some of the most common method we all rely on to acquire out little living lessons are

  • Interactions: For children, it could be their family, teacher, friends, and many other acquaintances, and general people As for the older generations , they would pick up their leanings through their daily dealings with friends, relative, colleagues, acquaintance


  • Observing: the world around us, the digital media


  • Reading: is a very good way where most of us not only acquire knowledge but also some worldly wisdom


  • Listening: to radios and podcasts

The lockdown has impacted our interactions with the outside world, and even after the lockdown, the impact of COVID 19 would remain, where these interactions are not going to be the same.

Alas! The time lost cannot go back !! However, there are several little living lessons that can be imparted to a child and more importantly remind ourselves of these little living lessons.


I am sure most of us have been through tough situations and circumstances this year with the COVID 19 catastrophe seeping into our lives.


Hence, this platform was created to give people their little living lessons. This website is our little endeavor to uplift your spirits and nurture your mind with thoughts to get you back on track!!



Building on this thought, our team at ‘Little Living Things’ wishes you all the very best for making a fresh start and for turning over a new chapter in your lives!!!

25 Little Living Lessons -2

Don’t judge what you don’t understand

Don't Judge

Never miss an opportunity to have someone rub you back

Never miss an opportunity to have someone rub your back

Have a professional photo of yourself made. Update it every three years

Have a professional photo of yourself made. Update it every three years

When you know someone has gone to a lot of trouble to get really dressed up, always tell them “ You look terrific !!

When you know someone has gone to a lot of trouble to get really dressed up, always tell them “ You look terrific !! ”

Drive as you wish your kids would. Never speed or drive recklessly with children in the car

Drive as you wish your kids would. Never speed or drive recklessly with children in the car

Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, love somethings, and has lost something

Little Living Lessons -2

Never claim a victory   prematurely

Little Living Lessons -2

Never let out the ending of  good movies and books

Little Living Lessons -2

When you lose, don’t lose the lesson

Little Living Lessons -2

Don’t overlook life’s small joys while searching for the big ones

Little Living Lessons -2

Always keep a well-stocked first-aid kit in your car and at home

Little Living Lessons -2

Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship

Little Living Lesson -2

Don’t be surprised to discover that luck favors those who are prepared

Little Living Lessons -2

Remember that the person who steals an egg will steal a chicken

Little Living Lessons -2

Don’t buy someone else’s trouble

Little Living Lessons -2

Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully

Little Living Lessons -2

When you have the choice of two exciting things, choose the one you haven’t tried

Little Living Lessons -2

Remember that no time spent with  your children is ever wasted

Little Living Lessons -2

There are people who will always come up with reasons why you can’t do what you want to do. Ignore them !!

Little Living Lessons -2

You may be fortunate and make a lot of money. But be sure your work involves something that enriches your spirit as well as your bank account

Little Living Lessons -2

Write a short note inside the front cover when giving a book as a gift

Little Living Lessons -2

When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it

Little Living Lessons -2

Smile ;)) when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice

Little LIving Lessons -2

Ask yourself if you would feel comfortable giving your two best friends a key to your house. If not look for some new best friends

Little Living Lessons -2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Little Living Lessons -2
LIttle Living Lessons
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